Reference Source


import {Scene} from "./scene/scene/Scene.js";
import {CameraFlightAnimation} from "./scene/camera/CameraFlightAnimation.js";
import {CameraControl} from "./scene/CameraControl/CameraControl.js";
import {MetaScene} from "./metadata/MetaScene.js";
import {LocaleService} from "./localization/LocaleService.js";

 * The 3D Viewer at the heart of the xeokit SDK.
 * * A Viewer wraps a single {@link Scene}
 * * Add {@link Plugin}s to a Viewer to extend its functionality.
 * * {@link Viewer#metaScene} holds metadata about models in the
 * Viewer's {@link MetaScene}.
 * * Use {@link Viewer#cameraFlight} to fly or jump the {@link Scene}'s
 * {@link Camera} to target positions, boundaries or {@link Entity}s.
 * @public
class Viewer {

     * @constructor
     * @param {Object} cfg Viewer configuration.
     * @param {String} [] Optional ID for this Viewer, defaults to the ID of {@link Viewer#scene}, which xeokit automatically generates.
     * @param {String} [cfg.canvasId]  ID of an existing HTML canvas for the {@link Viewer#scene} - either this or canvasElement is mandatory. When both values are given, the element reference is always preferred to the ID.
     * @param {HTMLCanvasElement} [cfg.canvasElement] Reference of an existing HTML canvas for the {@link Viewer#scene} - either this or canvasId is mandatory. When both values are given, the element reference is always preferred to the ID.
     * @param {HTMLElement} [cfg.keyboardEventsElement] Optional reference to HTML element on which key events should be handled. Defaults to the HTML Document.
     * @param {String} [cfg.spinnerElementId]  ID of existing HTML element to show the {@link Spinner} - internally creates a default element automatically if this is omitted.
     * @param {Number} [cfg.passes=1] The number of times the {@link Viewer#scene} renders per frame.
     * @param {Boolean} [cfg.clearEachPass=false] When doing multiple passes per frame, specifies if to clear the canvas before each pass (true) or just before the first pass (false).
     * @param {Boolean} [cfg.preserveDrawingBuffer=true]  Whether or not to preserve the WebGL drawing buffer. This needs to be ````true```` for {@link Viewer#getSnapshot} to work.
     * @param {Boolean} [cfg.transparent=true]  Whether or not the canvas is transparent.
     * @param {Boolean} [cfg.premultipliedAlpha=false]  Whether or not you want alpha composition with premultiplied alpha. Highlighting and selection works best when this is ````false````.
     * @param {Boolean} [cfg.gammaInput=true]  When true, expects that all textures and colors are premultiplied gamma.
     * @param {Boolean} [cfg.gammaOutput=false]  Whether or not to render with pre-multiplied gama.
     * @param {Number} [cfg.gammaFactor=2.2] The gamma factor to use when rendering with pre-multiplied gamma.
     * @param {Number[]} [cfg.backgroundColor=[1,1,1]] Sets the canvas background color to use when ````transparent```` is false.
     * @param {Boolean} [cfg.backgroundColorFromAmbientLight=true] When ````transparent```` is false, set this ````true````
     * to derive the canvas background color from {@link AmbientLight#color}, or ````false```` to set the canvas background to ````backgroundColor````.
     * @param {String} [cfg.units="meters"] The measurement unit type. Accepted values are ````"meters"````, ````"metres"````, , ````"centimeters"````, ````"centimetres"````, ````"millimeters"````,  ````"millimetres"````, ````"yards"````, ````"feet"```` and ````"inches"````.
     * @param {Number} [cfg.scale=1] The number of Real-space units in each World-space coordinate system unit.
     * @param {Number[]} [cfg.origin=[0,0,0]] The Real-space 3D origin, in current measurement units, at which the World-space coordinate origin ````[0,0,0]```` sits.
     * @param {Boolean} [cfg.saoEnabled=false] Whether to enable Scalable Ambient Obscurance (SAO) effect. See {@link SAO} for more info.
     * @param {Boolean} [cfg.antialias=true] Whether to enable anti-aliasing.
     * @throws {String} Throws an exception when both canvasId or canvasElement are missing or they aren't pointing to a valid HTMLCanvasElement.
     * @param {Boolean} [cfg.alphaDepthMask=true] Whether writing into the depth buffer is enabled or disabled when rendering transparent objects.
     * @param {Boolean} [cfg.entityOffsetsEnabled=false] Whether to enable {@link Entity#offset}. For best performance, only set this ````true```` when you need to use {@link Entity#offset}.
     * @param {Boolean} [cfg.pickSurfacePrecisionEnabled=false] Whether to enable full-precision accuracy when surface picking with {@link Scene#pick}. Note that when ````true````, this configuration will increase the amount of browser memory used by the Viewer. The ````pickSurfacePrecision```` option for ````Scene#pick```` only works if this is set ````true````.
     * @param {Boolean} [cfg.logarithmicDepthBufferEnabled=false] Whether to enable logarithmic depth buffer. When this is true,
     * you can set huge values for {@link Perspective#far} and {@link Ortho#far}, to push the far clipping plane back so
     * that it does not clip huge models.
     * @param {Boolean} [cfg.pbrEnabled=false] Whether to enable physically-based rendering.
     * @param {LocaleService} [cfg.localeService=null] Optional locale-based translation service.
    constructor(cfg) {

         * The Viewer's current language setting.
         * @property language
         * @deprecated
         * @type {String}
        this.language = "en";

         * The viewer's locale service.
         * This is configured via the Viewer's constructor.
         * By default, this service will be an instance of {@link LocaleService}, which will just return
         * null translations for all given strings and phrases.
         * @property localeService
         * @type {LocaleService}
         * @since 2.0
        this.localeService = cfg.localeService || new LocaleService();

         * The Viewer's {@link Scene}.
         * @property scene
         * @type {Scene}
        this.scene = new Scene(this, {
            canvasId: cfg.canvasId,
            canvasElement: cfg.canvasElement,
            keyboardEventsElement: cfg.keyboardEventsElement,
            webgl2: false,
            contextAttr: {
                preserveDrawingBuffer: cfg.preserveDrawingBuffer !== false,
                premultipliedAlpha: (!!cfg.premultipliedAlpha),
                antialias: (cfg.antialias !== false)
            spinnerElementId: cfg.spinnerElementId,
            transparent: (cfg.transparent !== false),
            gammaInput: true,
            gammaOutput: false,
            backgroundColor: cfg.backgroundColor,
            backgroundColorFromAmbientLight: cfg.backgroundColorFromAmbientLight,
            ticksPerRender: 1,
            ticksPerOcclusionTest: 20,
            units: cfg.units,
            scale: cfg.scale,
            origin: cfg.origin,
            saoEnabled: cfg.saoEnabled,
            alphaDepthMask: (cfg.alphaDepthMask !== false),
            entityOffsetsEnabled: (!!cfg.entityOffsetsEnabled),
            pickSurfacePrecisionEnabled: (!!cfg.pickSurfacePrecisionEnabled),
            logarithmicDepthBufferEnabled: (!!cfg.logarithmicDepthBufferEnabled),
            pbrEnabled: (!!cfg.pbrEnabled)

         * Metadata about the {@link Scene} and the models and objects within it.
         * @property metaScene
         * @type {MetaScene}
         * @readonly
        this.metaScene = new MetaScene(this, this.scene);

         * The Viewer's ID.
         * @property id
         * @type {String|Number}
         */ = ||;

         * The Viewer's {@link Camera}. This is also found on {@link Scene#camera}.
         * @property camera
         * @type {Camera}
         */ =;

         * The Viewer's {@link CameraFlightAnimation}, which
         * is used to fly the {@link Scene}'s {@link Camera} to given targets.
         * @property cameraFlight
         * @type {CameraFlightAnimation}
        this.cameraFlight = new CameraFlightAnimation(this.scene, {
            duration: 0.5

         * The Viewer's {@link CameraControl}, which
         * controls the {@link Scene}'s {@link Camera} with mouse,  touch and keyboard input.
         * @property cameraControl
         * @type {CameraControl}
        this.cameraControl = new CameraControl(this.scene, {
            // panToPointer: true,
            doublePickFlyTo: true

        this._plugins = [];

         * Subscriptions to events sent with {@link fire}.
         * @private
        this._eventSubs = {};

     * Subscribes to an event fired at this Viewer.
     * @param {String} event The event
     * @param {Function} callback Callback fired on the event
    on(event, callback) {
        let subs = this._eventSubs[event];
        if (!subs) {
            subs = [];
            this._eventSubs[event] = subs;

     * Fires an event at this Viewer.
     * @param {String} event Event name
     * @param {Object} value Event parameters
    fire(event, value) {
        const subs = this._eventSubs[event];
        if (subs) {
            for (let i = 0, len = subs.length; i < len; i++) {

     * Unsubscribes from an event fired at this Viewer.
     * @param event
    off(event) { // TODO


     * Logs a message to the JavaScript developer console, prefixed with the ID of this Viewer.
     * @param {String} msg The message
    log(msg) {
        console.log(`[xeokit viewer ${}]: ${msg}`);

     * Logs an error message to the JavaScript developer console, prefixed with the ID of this Viewer.
     * @param {String} msg The error message
    error(msg) {
        console.error(`[xeokit viewer ${}]: ${msg}`);

     * Installs a Plugin.
     * @private
    addPlugin(plugin) {

     * Uninstalls a Plugin, clearing content from it first.
     * @private
    removePlugin(plugin) {
        for (let i = 0, len = this._plugins.length; i < len; i++) {
            const p = this._plugins[i];
            if (p === plugin) {
                if (p.clear) {
                this._plugins.splice(i, 1);

     * Sends a message to installed Plugins.
     * The message can optionally be accompanied by a value.
     * @private
    sendToPlugins(name, value) {
        for (let i = 0, len = this._plugins.length; i < len; i++) {
            const p = this._plugins[i];
            if (p.send) {
                p.send(name, value);

     * @private
     * @deprecated
    clear() {
        throw "Viewer#clear() no longer implemented - use '#sendToPlugins(\"clear\") instead";

     * @private
     * @deprecated
    resetView() {
        throw "Viewer#resetView() no longer implemented - use CameraMemento & ObjectsMemento classes instead";

     * Enter snapshot mode.
     * Switches rendering to a hidden snapshot canvas.
     * Exit snapshot mode using {@link Viewer#endSnapshot}.
    beginSnapshot() {
        if (this._snapshotBegun) {
        this._snapshotBegun = true;

     * Gets a snapshot of this Viewer's {@link Scene} as a Base64-encoded image.
     * #### Usage:
     * ````javascript
     * const imageData = viewer.getSnapshot({
     *    width: 500,
     *    height: 500,
     *    format: "png"
     * });
     * ````
     * @param {*} [params] Capture options.
     * @param {Number} [params.width] Desired width of result in pixels - defaults to width of canvas.
     * @param {Number} [params.height] Desired height of result in pixels - defaults to height of canvas.
     * @param {String} [params.format="jpeg"] Desired format; "jpeg", "png" or "bmp".
     * @param {Boolean} [params.includeGizmos=false] When true, will include gizmos like {@link SectionPlane} in the snapshot.
     * @returns {String} String-encoded image data URI.
    getSnapshot(params = {}) {

        const needFinishSnapshot = (!this._snapshotBegun);

        if (!this._snapshotBegun) {

        if (!params.includeGizmos) {
            this.sendToPlugins("snapshotStarting"); // Tells plugins to hide things that shouldn't be in snapshot

        const resize = (params.width !== undefined && params.height !== undefined);
        const canvas = this.scene.canvas.canvas;
        const saveWidth = canvas.clientWidth;
        const saveHeight = canvas.clientHeight;
        const saveCssWidth =;
        const saveCssHeight =;

        const width = params.width ? Math.floor(params.width) : canvas.width;
        const height = params.height ? Math.floor(params.height) : canvas.height;

        if (resize) {
   = width + "px";
   = height + "px";


        const imageDataURI = this.scene._renderer.readSnapshot(params);

        if (resize) {
   = saveCssWidth;
   = saveCssHeight;
            canvas.width = saveWidth;
            canvas.height = saveHeight;


        if (!params.includeGizmos) {

        if (needFinishSnapshot) {

        return imageDataURI;

     * Exits snapshot mode.
     * Switches rendering back to the main canvas.
    endSnapshot() {
        if (!this._snapshotBegun) {
        this.scene._renderer.render({force: true});
        this._snapshotBegun = false;

    /** Destroys this Viewer.
    destroy() {
        const plugins = this._plugins.slice(); // Array will modify as we delete plugins
        for (let i = 0, len = plugins.length; i < len; i++) {
            const plugin = plugins[i];

export {Viewer}