Reference Source


 * @private
import {WEBGL_INFO} from "../../webglInfo.js";

const DrawShaderSource = function (mesh) {
    if (mesh._material._state.type === "LambertMaterial") {
        this.vertex = buildVertexLambert(mesh);
        this.fragment = buildFragmentLambert(mesh);
    } else {
        this.vertex = buildVertexDraw(mesh);
        this.fragment = buildFragmentDraw(mesh);

    "linear": "linearToLinear",
    "sRGB": "sRGBToLinear",
    "gamma": "gammaToLinear"

function getReceivesShadow(mesh) {
    if (!mesh.receivesShadow) {
        return false;
    const lights = mesh.scene._lightsState.lights;
    if (!lights || lights.length === 0) {
        return false;
    for (let i = 0, len = lights.length; i < len; i++) {
        if (lights[i].castsShadow) {
            return true;
    return false;

function hasTextures(mesh) {
    if (!mesh._geometry._state.uvBuf) {
        return false;
    const material = mesh._material;
    return !!(material._ambientMap ||
        material._occlusionMap ||
        material._baseColorMap ||
        material._diffuseMap ||
        material._alphaMap ||
        material._specularMap ||
        material._glossinessMap ||
        material._specularGlossinessMap ||
        material._emissiveMap ||
        material._metallicMap ||
        material._roughnessMap ||
        material._metallicRoughnessMap ||
        material._reflectivityMap ||

function hasNormals(mesh) {
    const primitive = mesh._geometry._state.primitiveName;
    if ((mesh._geometry._state.autoVertexNormals || mesh._geometry._state.normalsBuf) && (primitive === "triangles" || primitive === "triangle-strip" || primitive === "triangle-fan")) {
        return true;
    return false;

function buildVertexLambert(mesh) {

    const scene = mesh.scene;
    const sectionPlanesState = mesh.scene._sectionPlanesState;
    const lightsState = mesh.scene._lightsState;
    const geometryState = mesh._geometry._state;
    const billboard = mesh._state.billboard;
    const stationary = mesh._state.stationary;
    const clipping = sectionPlanesState.sectionPlanes.length > 0;
    const quantizedGeometry = !!geometryState.compressGeometry;

    const src = [];
    src.push("// Lambertian drawing vertex shader");
    if (scene.logarithmicDepthBufferEnabled) {
        src.push("#extension GL_EXT_frag_depth : enable");
    src.push("attribute vec3 position;");
    src.push("uniform mat4 modelMatrix;");
    src.push("uniform mat4 viewMatrix;");
    src.push("uniform mat4 projMatrix;");
    src.push("uniform vec4 colorize;");
    src.push("uniform vec3 offset;");
    if (quantizedGeometry) {
        src.push("uniform mat4 positionsDecodeMatrix;");
    if (scene.logarithmicDepthBufferEnabled) {
        src.push("uniform float logDepthBufFC;");
        if (WEBGL_INFO.SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS["EXT_frag_depth"]) {
            src.push("varying float vFragDepth;");
        src.push("bool isPerspectiveMatrix(mat4 m) {");
        src.push("    return (m[2][3] == - 1.0);");
        src.push("varying float isPerspective;");
    if (clipping) {
        src.push("varying vec4 vWorldPosition;");
    src.push("uniform vec4 lightAmbient;");
    src.push("uniform vec4 materialColor;");
    src.push("uniform vec3 materialEmissive;");
    if (geometryState.normalsBuf) {
        src.push("attribute vec3 normal;");
        src.push("uniform mat4 modelNormalMatrix;");
        src.push("uniform mat4 viewNormalMatrix;");
        for (let i = 0, len = lightsState.lights.length; i < len; i++) {
            const light = lightsState.lights[i];
            if (light.type === "ambient") {
            src.push("uniform vec4 lightColor" + i + ";");
            if (light.type === "dir") {
                src.push("uniform vec3 lightDir" + i + ";");
            if (light.type === "point") {
                src.push("uniform vec3 lightPos" + i + ";");
            if (light.type === "spot") {
                src.push("uniform vec3 lightPos" + i + ";");
                src.push("uniform vec3 lightDir" + i + ";");
        if (quantizedGeometry) {
            src.push("vec3 octDecode(vec2 oct) {");
            src.push("    vec3 v = vec3(oct.xy, 1.0 - abs(oct.x) - abs(oct.y));");
            src.push("    if (v.z < 0.0) {");
            src.push("        v.xy = (1.0 - abs(v.yx)) * vec2(v.x >= 0.0 ? 1.0 : -1.0, v.y >= 0.0 ? 1.0 : -1.0);");
            src.push("    }");
            src.push("    return normalize(v);");
    src.push("varying vec4 vColor;");
    if (geometryState.primitiveName === "points") {
        src.push("uniform float pointSize;");
    if (billboard === "spherical" || billboard === "cylindrical") {
        src.push("void billboard(inout mat4 mat) {");
        src.push("   mat[0][0] = 1.0;");
        src.push("   mat[0][1] = 0.0;");
        src.push("   mat[0][2] = 0.0;");
        if (billboard === "spherical") {
            src.push("   mat[1][0] = 0.0;");
            src.push("   mat[1][1] = 1.0;");
            src.push("   mat[1][2] = 0.0;");
        src.push("   mat[2][0] = 0.0;");
        src.push("   mat[2][1] = 0.0;");
        src.push("   mat[2][2] =1.0;");
    src.push("void main(void) {");
    src.push("vec4 localPosition = vec4(position, 1.0); ");
    src.push("vec4 worldPosition;");
    if (quantizedGeometry) {
        src.push("localPosition = positionsDecodeMatrix * localPosition;");
    if (geometryState.normalsBuf) {
        if (quantizedGeometry) {
            src.push("vec4 localNormal = vec4(octDecode(normal.xy), 0.0); ");
        } else {
            src.push("vec4 localNormal = vec4(normal, 0.0); ");
        src.push("mat4 modelNormalMatrix2 = modelNormalMatrix;");
        src.push("mat4 viewNormalMatrix2 = viewNormalMatrix;");
    src.push("mat4 viewMatrix2 = viewMatrix;");
    src.push("mat4 modelMatrix2 = modelMatrix;");
    if (stationary) {
        src.push("viewMatrix2[3][0] = viewMatrix2[3][1] = viewMatrix2[3][2] = 0.0;")
    if (billboard === "spherical" || billboard === "cylindrical") {
        src.push("mat4 modelViewMatrix = viewMatrix2 * modelMatrix2;");
        if (geometryState.normalsBuf) {
            src.push("mat4 modelViewNormalMatrix =  viewNormalMatrix2 * modelNormalMatrix2;");
        src.push("worldPosition = modelMatrix2 * localPosition;");
        src.push(" = + offset;");
        src.push("vec4 viewPosition = modelViewMatrix * localPosition;");
    } else {
        src.push("worldPosition = modelMatrix2 * localPosition;");
        src.push(" = + offset;");
        src.push("vec4 viewPosition  = viewMatrix2 * worldPosition; ");
    if (geometryState.normalsBuf) {
        src.push("vec3 viewNormal = normalize((viewNormalMatrix2 * modelNormalMatrix2 * localNormal).xyz);");
    src.push("vec3 reflectedColor = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);");
    src.push("vec3 viewLightDir = vec3(0.0, 0.0, -1.0);");
    src.push("float lambertian = 1.0;");
    if (geometryState.normalsBuf) {
        for (let i = 0, len = lightsState.lights.length; i < len; i++) {
            const light = lightsState.lights[i];
            if (light.type === "ambient") {
            if (light.type === "dir") {
                if ( === "view") {
                    src.push("viewLightDir = normalize(lightDir" + i + ");");
                } else {
                    src.push("viewLightDir = normalize((viewMatrix2 * vec4(lightDir" + i + ", 0.0)).xyz);");
            } else if (light.type === "point") {
                if ( === "view") {
                    src.push("viewLightDir = -normalize(lightPos" + i + " -;");
                } else {
                    src.push("viewLightDir = -normalize((viewMatrix2 * vec4(lightPos" + i + ", 0.0)).xyz);");
            } else if (light.type === "spot") {
                if ( === "view") {
                    src.push("viewLightDir = normalize(lightDir" + i + ");");
                } else {
                    src.push("viewLightDir = normalize((viewMatrix2 * vec4(lightDir" + i + ", 0.0)).xyz);");
            } else {
            src.push("lambertian = max(dot(-viewNormal, viewLightDir), 0.0);");
            src.push("reflectedColor += lambertian * (lightColor" + i + ".rgb * lightColor" + i + ".a);");
    src.push("vColor = vec4((lightAmbient.rgb * lightAmbient.a * materialColor.rgb) + materialEmissive.rgb + (reflectedColor * materialColor.rgb), materialColor.a) * colorize;"); // TODO: How to have ambient bright enough for canvas BG but not too bright for scene?
    if (clipping) {
        src.push("vWorldPosition = worldPosition;");
    if (geometryState.primitiveName === "points") {
        src.push("gl_PointSize = pointSize;");
    src.push("vec4 clipPos = projMatrix * viewPosition;");
    if (scene.logarithmicDepthBufferEnabled) {
        if (WEBGL_INFO.SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS["EXT_frag_depth"]) {
            src.push("vFragDepth = 1.0 + clipPos.w;");
        } else {
            src.push("clipPos.z = log2( max( 1e-6, clipPos.w + 1.0 ) ) * logDepthBufFC - 1.0;");
            src.push("clipPos.z *= clipPos.w;");
        src.push("isPerspective = float (isPerspectiveMatrix(projMatrix));");
    src.push("gl_Position = clipPos;");
    return src;

function buildFragmentLambert(mesh) {
    const scene = mesh.scene;
    const sectionPlanesState = scene._sectionPlanesState;
    const materialState = mesh._material._state;
    const geometryState = mesh._geometry._state;
    const clipping = sectionPlanesState.sectionPlanes.length > 0;
    const solid = false && materialState.backfaces;
    const gammaOutput = scene.gammaOutput; // If set, then it expects that all textures and colors need to be outputted in premultiplied gamma. Default is false.
    const src = [];
    src.push("// Lambertian drawing fragment shader");
    if (scene.logarithmicDepthBufferEnabled) {
        src.push("#extension GL_EXT_frag_depth : enable");
    src.push("#ifdef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH");
    src.push("precision highp float;");
    src.push("precision highp int;");
    src.push("precision mediump float;");
    src.push("precision mediump int;");
    if (scene.logarithmicDepthBufferEnabled && WEBGL_INFO.SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS["EXT_frag_depth"]) {
        src.push("varying float isPerspective;");
        src.push("uniform float logDepthBufFC;");
        src.push("varying float vFragDepth;");
    if (clipping) {
        src.push("varying vec4 vWorldPosition;");
        src.push("uniform bool clippable;");
        for (let i = 0, len = sectionPlanesState.sectionPlanes.length; i < len; i++) {
            src.push("uniform bool sectionPlaneActive" + i + ";");
            src.push("uniform vec3 sectionPlanePos" + i + ";");
            src.push("uniform vec3 sectionPlaneDir" + i + ";");
    src.push("varying vec4 vColor;");
    if (gammaOutput) {
        src.push("uniform float gammaFactor;");
        src.push("    vec4 linearToGamma( in vec4 value, in float gammaFactor ) {");
        src.push("    return vec4( pow(, vec3( 1.0 / gammaFactor ) ), value.w );");
    src.push("void main(void) {");
    if (clipping) {
        src.push("if (clippable) {");
        src.push("  float dist = 0.0;");
        for (let i = 0, len = sectionPlanesState.sectionPlanes.length; i < len; i++) {
            src.push("if (sectionPlaneActive" + i + ") {");
            src.push("   dist += clamp(dot(-sectionPlaneDir" + i + ".xyz, - sectionPlanePos" + i + ".xyz), 0.0, 1000.0);");
        src.push("  if (dist > 0.0) { discard; }");
        if (solid) {
            src.push("  if (gl_FrontFacing == false) {");
            src.push("     gl_FragColor = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);");
            src.push("     return;");
            src.push("  }");
    if (geometryState.primitiveName === "points") {
        src.push("vec2 cxy = 2.0 * gl_PointCoord - 1.0;");
        src.push("float r = dot(cxy, cxy);");
        src.push("if (r > 1.0) {");
        src.push("   discard;");

    if (scene.logarithmicDepthBufferEnabled && WEBGL_INFO.SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS["EXT_frag_depth"]) {
        src.push("gl_FragDepthEXT = isPerspective == 0.0 ? gl_FragCoord.z : log2( vFragDepth ) * logDepthBufFC * 0.5;");
    if (gammaOutput) {
        src.push("gl_FragColor = linearToGamma(vColor, gammaFactor);");
    } else {
        src.push("gl_FragColor = vColor;");
    return src;

function buildVertexDraw(mesh) {
    const scene = mesh.scene;
    const material = mesh._material;
    const meshState = mesh._state;
    const sectionPlanesState = scene._sectionPlanesState;
    const geometryState = mesh._geometry._state;
    const lightsState = scene._lightsState;
    let i;
    let len;
    let light;
    const billboard = meshState.billboard;
    const background = meshState.background;
    const stationary = meshState.stationary;
    const texturing = hasTextures(mesh);
    const normals = hasNormals(mesh);
    const clipping = sectionPlanesState.sectionPlanes.length > 0;
    const receivesShadow = getReceivesShadow(mesh);
    const quantizedGeometry = !!geometryState.compressGeometry;
    const src = [];
    src.push("// Drawing vertex shader");
    if (normals && material._normalMap) {
        src.push("#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable");
    if (scene.logarithmicDepthBufferEnabled) {
        src.push("#extension GL_EXT_frag_depth : enable");
    src.push("attribute  vec3 position;");
    if (quantizedGeometry) {
        src.push("uniform mat4 positionsDecodeMatrix;");
    src.push("uniform  mat4 modelMatrix;");
    src.push("uniform  mat4 viewMatrix;");
    src.push("uniform  mat4 projMatrix;");
    src.push("varying  vec3 vViewPosition;");
    src.push("uniform  vec3 offset;");
    if (clipping) {
        src.push("varying vec4 vWorldPosition;");
    if (scene.logarithmicDepthBufferEnabled) {
        src.push("uniform float logDepthBufFC;");
        if (WEBGL_INFO.SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS["EXT_frag_depth"]) {
            src.push("varying float vFragDepth;");
        src.push("bool isPerspectiveMatrix(mat4 m) {");
        src.push("    return (m[2][3] == - 1.0);");
        src.push("varying float isPerspective;");
    if (lightsState.lightMaps.length > 0) {
        src.push("varying    vec3 vWorldNormal;");
    if (normals) {
        src.push("attribute  vec3 normal;");
        src.push("uniform    mat4 modelNormalMatrix;");
        src.push("uniform    mat4 viewNormalMatrix;");
        src.push("varying    vec3 vViewNormal;");
        for (let i = 0, len = lightsState.lights.length; i < len; i++) {
            light = lightsState.lights[i];
            if (light.type === "ambient") {
            if (light.type === "dir") {
                src.push("uniform vec3 lightDir" + i + ";");
            if (light.type === "point") {
                src.push("uniform vec3 lightPos" + i + ";");
            if (light.type === "spot") {
                src.push("uniform vec3 lightPos" + i + ";");
                src.push("uniform vec3 lightDir" + i + ";");
            if (!(light.type === "dir" && === "view")) {
                src.push("varying vec4 vViewLightReverseDirAndDist" + i + ";");
        if (quantizedGeometry) {
            src.push("vec3 octDecode(vec2 oct) {");
            src.push("    vec3 v = vec3(oct.xy, 1.0 - abs(oct.x) - abs(oct.y));");
            src.push("    if (v.z < 0.0) {");
            src.push("        v.xy = (1.0 - abs(v.yx)) * vec2(v.x >= 0.0 ? 1.0 : -1.0, v.y >= 0.0 ? 1.0 : -1.0);");
            src.push("    }");
            src.push("    return normalize(v);");
    if (texturing) {
        src.push("attribute vec2 uv;");
        src.push("varying vec2 vUV;");
        if (quantizedGeometry) {
            src.push("uniform mat3 uvDecodeMatrix;")
    if (geometryState.colors) {
        src.push("attribute vec4 color;");
        src.push("varying vec4 vColor;");
    if (geometryState.primitiveName === "points") {
        src.push("uniform float pointSize;");
    if (billboard === "spherical" || billboard === "cylindrical") {
        src.push("void billboard(inout mat4 mat) {");
        src.push("   mat[0][0] = 1.0;");
        src.push("   mat[0][1] = 0.0;");
        src.push("   mat[0][2] = 0.0;");
        if (billboard === "spherical") {
            src.push("   mat[1][0] = 0.0;");
            src.push("   mat[1][1] = 1.0;");
            src.push("   mat[1][2] = 0.0;");
        src.push("   mat[2][0] = 0.0;");
        src.push("   mat[2][1] = 0.0;");
        src.push("   mat[2][2] =1.0;");
    if (receivesShadow) {
        src.push("const mat4 texUnitConverter = mat4(0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0);");
        for (let i = 0, len = lightsState.lights.length; i < len; i++) { // Light sources
            if (lightsState.lights[i].castsShadow) {
                src.push("uniform mat4 shadowViewMatrix" + i + ";");
                src.push("uniform mat4 shadowProjMatrix" + i + ";");
                src.push("varying vec4 vShadowPosFromLight" + i + ";");
    src.push("void main(void) {");
    src.push("vec4 localPosition = vec4(position, 1.0); ");
    src.push("vec4 worldPosition;");
    if (quantizedGeometry) {
        src.push("localPosition = positionsDecodeMatrix * localPosition;");
    if (normals) {
        if (quantizedGeometry) {
            src.push("vec4 localNormal = vec4(octDecode(normal.xy), 0.0); ");
        } else {
            src.push("vec4 localNormal = vec4(normal, 0.0); ");
        src.push("mat4 modelNormalMatrix2    = modelNormalMatrix;");
        src.push("mat4 viewNormalMatrix2     = viewNormalMatrix;");
    src.push("mat4 viewMatrix2           = viewMatrix;");
    src.push("mat4 modelMatrix2          = modelMatrix;");
    if (stationary) {
        src.push("viewMatrix2[3][0] = viewMatrix2[3][1] = viewMatrix2[3][2] = 0.0;")
    } else if (background) {
        src.push("viewMatrix2[3] = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ,1.0);");
    if (billboard === "spherical" || billboard === "cylindrical") {
        src.push("mat4 modelViewMatrix = viewMatrix2 * modelMatrix2;");
        if (normals) {
            src.push("mat4 modelViewNormalMatrix =  viewNormalMatrix2 * modelNormalMatrix2;");
        src.push("worldPosition = modelMatrix2 * localPosition;");
        src.push(" = + offset;");
        src.push("vec4 viewPosition = modelViewMatrix * localPosition;");
    } else {
        src.push("worldPosition = modelMatrix2 * localPosition;");
        src.push(" = + offset;");
        src.push("vec4 viewPosition  = viewMatrix2 * worldPosition; ");
    if (normals) {
        src.push("vec3 worldNormal = (modelNormalMatrix2 * localNormal).xyz; ");
        if (lightsState.lightMaps.length > 0) {
            src.push("vWorldNormal = worldNormal;");
        src.push("vViewNormal = normalize((viewNormalMatrix2 * vec4(worldNormal, 1.0)).xyz);");
        src.push("vec3 tmpVec3;");
        src.push("float lightDist;");
        for (let i = 0, len = lightsState.lights.length; i < len; i++) { // Lights
            light = lightsState.lights[i];
            if (light.type === "ambient") {
            if (light.type === "dir") {
                if ( === "world") {
                    src.push("tmpVec3 = vec3(viewMatrix2 * vec4(lightDir" + i + ", 0.0) ).xyz;");
                    src.push("vViewLightReverseDirAndDist" + i + " = vec4(-tmpVec3, 0.0);");
            if (light.type === "point") {
                if ( === "world") {
                    src.push("tmpVec3 = (viewMatrix2 * vec4(lightPos" + i + ", 1.0)).xyz -;");
                    src.push("lightDist = abs(length(tmpVec3));");
                } else {
                    src.push("tmpVec3 = lightPos" + i + ".xyz -;");
                    src.push("lightDist = abs(length(tmpVec3));");
                src.push("vViewLightReverseDirAndDist" + i + " = vec4(tmpVec3, lightDist);");
    if (texturing) {
        if (quantizedGeometry) {
            src.push("vUV = (uvDecodeMatrix * vec3(uv, 1.0)).xy;");
        } else {
            src.push("vUV = uv;");
    if (geometryState.colors) {
        src.push("vColor = color;");
    if (geometryState.primitiveName === "points") {
        src.push("gl_PointSize = pointSize;");
    if (clipping) {
        src.push("vWorldPosition = worldPosition;");
    src.push("   vViewPosition =;");
    src.push("vec4 clipPos = projMatrix * viewPosition;");
    if (scene.logarithmicDepthBufferEnabled) {
        if (WEBGL_INFO.SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS["EXT_frag_depth"]) {
            src.push("vFragDepth = 1.0 + clipPos.w;");
        } else {
            src.push("clipPos.z = log2( max( 1e-6, clipPos.w + 1.0 ) ) * logDepthBufFC - 1.0;");
            src.push("clipPos.z *= clipPos.w;");
        src.push("isPerspective = float (isPerspectiveMatrix(projMatrix));");
    if (background) {
        src.push("clipPos.z = clipPos.w;");
    src.push("gl_Position = clipPos;");
    if (receivesShadow) {
        src.push("const mat4 texUnitConverter = mat4(0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0);");
        src.push("vec4 tempx; ");
        for (let i = 0, len = lightsState.lights.length; i < len; i++) { // Light sources
            if (lightsState.lights[i].castsShadow) {
                src.push("vShadowPosFromLight" + i + " = texUnitConverter * shadowProjMatrix" + i + " * (shadowViewMatrix" + i + " * worldPosition); ");
    return src;

function buildFragmentDraw(mesh) {

    const scene = mesh.scene;
    const gl =;
    const material = mesh._material;
    const geometryState = mesh._geometry._state;
    const sectionPlanesState = mesh.scene._sectionPlanesState;
    const lightsState = mesh.scene._lightsState;
    const materialState = mesh._material._state;
    const clipping = sectionPlanesState.sectionPlanes.length > 0;
    const normals = hasNormals(mesh);
    const uvs = geometryState.uvBuf;
    const solid = false && materialState.backfaces;
    const phongMaterial = (materialState.type === "PhongMaterial");
    const metallicMaterial = (materialState.type === "MetallicMaterial");
    const specularMaterial = (materialState.type === "SpecularMaterial");
    const receivesShadow = getReceivesShadow(mesh);
    const gammaInput = scene.gammaInput; // If set, then it expects that all textures and colors are premultiplied gamma. Default is false.
    const gammaOutput = scene.gammaOutput; // If set, then it expects that all textures and colors need to be outputted in premultiplied gamma. Default is false.

    let light;
    const src = [];

    src.push("// Drawing fragment shader");

    if (scene.logarithmicDepthBufferEnabled) {
        src.push("#extension GL_EXT_frag_depth : enable");

    if (normals && material._normalMap) {
        src.push("#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable");

    src.push("#ifdef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH");
    src.push("precision highp float;");
    src.push("precision highp int;");
    src.push("precision mediump float;");
    src.push("precision mediump int;");

    if (scene.logarithmicDepthBufferEnabled && WEBGL_INFO.SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS["EXT_frag_depth"]) {
        src.push("varying float isPerspective;");
        src.push("uniform float logDepthBufFC;");
        src.push("varying float vFragDepth;");

    if (receivesShadow) {
        src.push("float unpackDepth (vec4 color) {");
        src.push("  const vec4 bitShift = vec4(1.0, 1.0/256.0, 1.0/(256.0 * 256.0), 1.0/(256.0*256.0*256.0));");
        src.push("  return dot(color, bitShift);");


    src.push("uniform float gammaFactor;");
    src.push("vec4 linearToLinear( in vec4 value ) {");
    src.push("  return value;");
    src.push("vec4 sRGBToLinear( in vec4 value ) {");
    src.push("  return vec4( mix( pow( value.rgb * 0.9478672986 + vec3( 0.0521327014 ), vec3( 2.4 ) ), value.rgb * 0.0773993808, vec3( lessThanEqual( value.rgb, vec3( 0.04045 ) ) ) ), value.w );");
    src.push("vec4 gammaToLinear( in vec4 value) {");
    src.push("  return vec4( pow(, vec3( gammaFactor ) ), value.w );");
    if (gammaOutput) {
        src.push("vec4 linearToGamma( in vec4 value, in float gammaFactor ) {");
        src.push("  return vec4( pow(, vec3( 1.0 / gammaFactor ) ), value.w );");


    if (clipping) {
        src.push("varying vec4 vWorldPosition;");
        src.push("uniform bool clippable;");
        for (var i = 0; i < sectionPlanesState.sectionPlanes.length; i++) {
            src.push("uniform bool sectionPlaneActive" + i + ";");
            src.push("uniform vec3 sectionPlanePos" + i + ";");
            src.push("uniform vec3 sectionPlaneDir" + i + ";");

    if (normals) {

        // Define here so available globally to shader functions

        if (lightsState.lightMaps.length > 0) {
            src.push("uniform samplerCube lightMap;");
            src.push("uniform mat4 viewNormalMatrix;");
        if (lightsState.reflectionMaps.length > 0) {
            src.push("uniform samplerCube reflectionMap;");
        if (lightsState.lightMaps.length > 0 || lightsState.reflectionMaps.length > 0) {
            src.push("uniform mat4 viewMatrix;");



        src.push("#define PI 3.14159265359");
        src.push("#define RECIPROCAL_PI 0.31830988618");
        src.push("#define RECIPROCAL_PI2 0.15915494");
        src.push("#define EPSILON 1e-6");

        src.push("#define saturate(a) clamp( a, 0.0, 1.0 )");


        src.push("vec3 inverseTransformDirection(in vec3 dir, in mat4 matrix) {");
        src.push("   return normalize( ( vec4( dir, 0.0 ) * matrix ).xyz );");

        // STRUCTURES

        src.push("struct IncidentLight {");
        src.push("   vec3 color;");
        src.push("   vec3 direction;");

        src.push("struct ReflectedLight {");
        src.push("   vec3 diffuse;");
        src.push("   vec3 specular;");

        src.push("struct Geometry {");
        src.push("   vec3 position;");
        src.push("   vec3 viewNormal;");
        src.push("   vec3 worldNormal;");
        src.push("   vec3 viewEyeDir;");

        src.push("struct Material {");
        src.push("   vec3    diffuseColor;");
        src.push("   float   specularRoughness;");
        src.push("   vec3    specularColor;");
        src.push("   float   shine;"); // Only used for Phong

        // COMMON UTILS

        if (phongMaterial) {

            if (lightsState.lightMaps.length > 0 || lightsState.reflectionMaps.length > 0) {

                src.push("void computePhongLightMapping(const in Geometry geometry, const in Material material, inout ReflectedLight reflectedLight) {");

                if (lightsState.lightMaps.length > 0) {
                    src.push("   vec3 irradiance = " + TEXTURE_DECODE_FUNCS[lightsState.lightMaps[0].encoding] + "(textureCube(lightMap, geometry.worldNormal)).rgb;");
                    src.push("   irradiance *= PI;");
                    src.push("   vec3 diffuseBRDFContrib = (RECIPROCAL_PI * material.diffuseColor);");
                    src.push("   reflectedLight.diffuse += irradiance * diffuseBRDFContrib;");
                if (lightsState.reflectionMaps.length > 0) {
                    src.push("   vec3 reflectVec             = reflect(-geometry.viewEyeDir, geometry.viewNormal);");
                    src.push("   vec3 radiance               = textureCube(reflectionMap, reflectVec).rgb * 0.2;");
                    src.push("   radiance *= PI;");
                    src.push("   reflectedLight.specular     += radiance;");

            src.push("void computePhongLighting(const in IncidentLight directLight, const in Geometry geometry, const in Material material, inout ReflectedLight reflectedLight) {");
            src.push("   float dotNL     = saturate(dot(geometry.viewNormal, directLight.direction));");
            src.push("   vec3 irradiance = dotNL * directLight.color * PI;");
            src.push("   reflectedLight.diffuse  += irradiance * (RECIPROCAL_PI * material.diffuseColor);");
            src.push("   reflectedLight.specular += directLight.color * material.specularColor * pow(max(dot(reflect(-directLight.direction, -geometry.viewNormal), geometry.viewEyeDir), 0.0), material.shine);");

        if (metallicMaterial || specularMaterial) {


            src.push("float GGXRoughnessToBlinnExponent(const in float ggxRoughness) {");
            src.push("   float r = ggxRoughness + 0.0001;");
            src.push("   return (2.0 / (r * r) - 2.0);");

            src.push("float getSpecularMIPLevel(const in float blinnShininessExponent, const in int maxMIPLevel) {");
            src.push("   float maxMIPLevelScalar = float( maxMIPLevel );");
            src.push("   float desiredMIPLevel = maxMIPLevelScalar - 0.79248 - 0.5 * log2( ( blinnShininessExponent * blinnShininessExponent ) + 1.0 );");
            src.push("   return clamp( desiredMIPLevel, 0.0, maxMIPLevelScalar );");

            if (lightsState.reflectionMaps.length > 0) {
                src.push("vec3 getLightProbeIndirectRadiance(const in vec3 reflectVec, const in float blinnShininessExponent, const in int maxMIPLevel) {");
                src.push("   float mipLevel = 0.5 * getSpecularMIPLevel(blinnShininessExponent, maxMIPLevel);"); //TODO: a random factor - fix this
                src.push("   vec3 envMapColor = " + TEXTURE_DECODE_FUNCS[lightsState.reflectionMaps[0].encoding] + "(textureCube(reflectionMap, reflectVec, mipLevel)).rgb;");
                src.push("  return envMapColor;");


            src.push("vec3 F_Schlick(const in vec3 specularColor, const in float dotLH) {");
            src.push("   float fresnel = exp2( ( -5.55473 * dotLH - 6.98316 ) * dotLH );");
            src.push("   return ( 1.0 - specularColor ) * fresnel + specularColor;");

            src.push("float G_GGX_Smith(const in float alpha, const in float dotNL, const in float dotNV) {");
            src.push("   float a2 = ( alpha * alpha );");
            src.push("   float gl = dotNL + sqrt( a2 + ( 1.0 - a2 ) * ( dotNL * dotNL ) );");
            src.push("   float gv = dotNV + sqrt( a2 + ( 1.0 - a2 ) * ( dotNV * dotNV ) );");
            src.push("   return 1.0 / ( gl * gv );");

            src.push("float G_GGX_SmithCorrelated(const in float alpha, const in float dotNL, const in float dotNV) {");
            src.push("   float a2 = ( alpha * alpha );");
            src.push("   float gv = dotNL * sqrt( a2 + ( 1.0 - a2 ) * ( dotNV * dotNV ) );");
            src.push("   float gl = dotNV * sqrt( a2 + ( 1.0 - a2 ) * ( dotNL * dotNL ) );");
            src.push("   return 0.5 / max( gv + gl, EPSILON );");

            src.push("float D_GGX(const in float alpha, const in float dotNH) {");
            src.push("   float a2 = ( alpha * alpha );");
            src.push("   float denom = ( dotNH * dotNH) * ( a2 - 1.0 ) + 1.0;");
            src.push("   return RECIPROCAL_PI * a2 / ( denom * denom);");

            src.push("vec3 BRDF_Specular_GGX(const in IncidentLight incidentLight, const in Geometry geometry, const in vec3 specularColor, const in float roughness) {");
            src.push("   float alpha = ( roughness * roughness );");
            src.push("   vec3 halfDir = normalize( incidentLight.direction + geometry.viewEyeDir );");
            src.push("   float dotNL = saturate( dot( geometry.viewNormal, incidentLight.direction ) );");
            src.push("   float dotNV = saturate( dot( geometry.viewNormal, geometry.viewEyeDir ) );");
            src.push("   float dotNH = saturate( dot( geometry.viewNormal, halfDir ) );");
            src.push("   float dotLH = saturate( dot( incidentLight.direction, halfDir ) );");
            src.push("   vec3  F = F_Schlick( specularColor, dotLH );");
            src.push("   float G = G_GGX_SmithCorrelated( alpha, dotNL, dotNV );");
            src.push("   float D = D_GGX( alpha, dotNH );");
            src.push("   return F * (G * D);");

            src.push("vec3 BRDF_Specular_GGX_Environment(const in Geometry geometry, const in vec3 specularColor, const in float roughness) {");
            src.push("   float dotNV = saturate(dot(geometry.viewNormal, geometry.viewEyeDir));");
            src.push("   const vec4 c0 = vec4( -1, -0.0275, -0.572,  0.022);");
            src.push("   const vec4 c1 = vec4(  1,  0.0425,   1.04, -0.04);");
            src.push("   vec4 r = roughness * c0 + c1;");
            src.push("   float a004 = min(r.x * r.x, exp2(-9.28 * dotNV)) * r.x + r.y;");
            src.push("   vec2 AB    = vec2(-1.04, 1.04) * a004 +;");
            src.push("   return specularColor * AB.x + AB.y;");

            if (lightsState.lightMaps.length > 0 || lightsState.reflectionMaps.length > 0) {

                src.push("void computePBRLightMapping(const in Geometry geometry, const in Material material, inout ReflectedLight reflectedLight) {");
                if (lightsState.lightMaps.length > 0) {
                    src.push("   vec3 irradiance = sRGBToLinear(textureCube(lightMap, geometry.worldNormal)).rgb;");
                    src.push("   irradiance *= PI;");
                    src.push("   vec3 diffuseBRDFContrib = (RECIPROCAL_PI * material.diffuseColor);");
                    src.push("   reflectedLight.diffuse += irradiance * diffuseBRDFContrib;");
                    //   src.push("   reflectedLight.diffuse = vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);");
                if (lightsState.reflectionMaps.length > 0) {
                    src.push("   vec3 reflectVec             = reflect(-geometry.viewEyeDir, geometry.viewNormal);");
                    src.push("   reflectVec                  = inverseTransformDirection(reflectVec, viewMatrix);");
                    src.push("   float blinnExpFromRoughness = GGXRoughnessToBlinnExponent(material.specularRoughness);");
                    src.push("   vec3 radiance               = getLightProbeIndirectRadiance(reflectVec, blinnExpFromRoughness, 8);");
                    src.push("   vec3 specularBRDFContrib    = BRDF_Specular_GGX_Environment(geometry, material.specularColor, material.specularRoughness);");
                    src.push("   reflectedLight.specular     += radiance * specularBRDFContrib;");


            src.push("void computePBRLighting(const in IncidentLight incidentLight, const in Geometry geometry, const in Material material, inout ReflectedLight reflectedLight) {");
            src.push("   float dotNL     = saturate(dot(geometry.viewNormal, incidentLight.direction));");
            src.push("   vec3 irradiance = dotNL * incidentLight.color * PI;");
            src.push("   reflectedLight.diffuse  += irradiance * (RECIPROCAL_PI * material.diffuseColor);");
            src.push("   reflectedLight.specular += irradiance * BRDF_Specular_GGX(incidentLight, geometry, material.specularColor, material.specularRoughness);");

        } // (metallicMaterial || specularMaterial)

    } // geometry.normals


    src.push("varying vec3 vViewPosition;");

    if (geometryState.colors) {
        src.push("varying vec4 vColor;");

    if (uvs &&
        ((normals && material._normalMap)
            || material._ambientMap
            || material._baseColorMap
            || material._diffuseMap
            || material._emissiveMap
            || material._metallicMap
            || material._roughnessMap
            || material._metallicRoughnessMap
            || material._specularMap
            || material._glossinessMap
            || material._specularGlossinessMap
            || material._occlusionMap
            || material._alphaMap)) {
        src.push("varying vec2 vUV;");

    if (normals) {
        if (lightsState.lightMaps.length > 0) {
            src.push("varying vec3 vWorldNormal;");
        src.push("varying vec3 vViewNormal;");


    if (materialState.ambient) {
        src.push("uniform vec3 materialAmbient;");
    if (materialState.baseColor) {
        src.push("uniform vec3 materialBaseColor;");
    if (materialState.alpha !== undefined && materialState.alpha !== null) {
        src.push("uniform vec4 materialAlphaModeCutoff;"); // [alpha, alphaMode, alphaCutoff]
    if (materialState.emissive) {
        src.push("uniform vec3 materialEmissive;");
    if (materialState.diffuse) {
        src.push("uniform vec3 materialDiffuse;");
    if (materialState.glossiness !== undefined && materialState.glossiness !== null) {
        src.push("uniform float materialGlossiness;");
    if (materialState.shininess !== undefined && materialState.shininess !== null) {
        src.push("uniform float materialShininess;");  // Phong channel
    if (materialState.specular) {
        src.push("uniform vec3 materialSpecular;");
    if (materialState.metallic !== undefined && materialState.metallic !== null) {
        src.push("uniform float materialMetallic;");
    if (materialState.roughness !== undefined && materialState.roughness !== null) {
        src.push("uniform float materialRoughness;");
    if (materialState.specularF0 !== undefined && materialState.specularF0 !== null) {
        src.push("uniform float materialSpecularF0;");


    if (uvs && material._ambientMap) {
        src.push("uniform sampler2D ambientMap;");
        if (material._ambientMap._state.matrix) {
            src.push("uniform mat4 ambientMapMatrix;");
    if (uvs && material._baseColorMap) {
        src.push("uniform sampler2D baseColorMap;");
        if (material._baseColorMap._state.matrix) {
            src.push("uniform mat4 baseColorMapMatrix;");
    if (uvs && material._diffuseMap) {
        src.push("uniform sampler2D diffuseMap;");
        if (material._diffuseMap._state.matrix) {
            src.push("uniform mat4 diffuseMapMatrix;");
    if (uvs && material._emissiveMap) {
        src.push("uniform sampler2D emissiveMap;");
        if (material._emissiveMap._state.matrix) {
            src.push("uniform mat4 emissiveMapMatrix;");
    if (normals && uvs && material._metallicMap) {
        src.push("uniform sampler2D metallicMap;");
        if (material._metallicMap._state.matrix) {
            src.push("uniform mat4 metallicMapMatrix;");
    if (normals && uvs && material._roughnessMap) {
        src.push("uniform sampler2D roughnessMap;");
        if (material._roughnessMap._state.matrix) {
            src.push("uniform mat4 roughnessMapMatrix;");
    if (normals && uvs && material._metallicRoughnessMap) {
        src.push("uniform sampler2D metallicRoughnessMap;");
        if (material._metallicRoughnessMap._state.matrix) {
            src.push("uniform mat4 metallicRoughnessMapMatrix;");
    if (normals && material._normalMap) {
        src.push("uniform sampler2D normalMap;");
        if (material._normalMap._state.matrix) {
            src.push("uniform mat4 normalMapMatrix;");
        src.push("vec3 perturbNormal2Arb( vec3 eye_pos, vec3 surf_norm, vec2 uv ) {");
        src.push("      vec3 q0 = vec3( dFdx( eye_pos.x ), dFdx( eye_pos.y ), dFdx( eye_pos.z ) );");
        src.push("      vec3 q1 = vec3( dFdy( eye_pos.x ), dFdy( eye_pos.y ), dFdy( eye_pos.z ) );");
        src.push("      vec2 st0 = dFdx( );");
        src.push("      vec2 st1 = dFdy( );");
        src.push("      vec3 S = normalize( q0 * st1.t - q1 * st0.t );");
        src.push("      vec3 T = normalize( -q0 * st1.s + q1 * st0.s );");
        src.push("      vec3 N = normalize( surf_norm );");
        src.push("      vec3 mapN = texture2D( normalMap, uv ).xyz * 2.0 - 1.0;");
        src.push("      mat3 tsn = mat3( S, T, N );");
        //     src.push("      mapN *= 3.0;");
        src.push("      return normalize( tsn * mapN );");
    if (uvs && material._occlusionMap) {
        src.push("uniform sampler2D occlusionMap;");
        if (material._occlusionMap._state.matrix) {
            src.push("uniform mat4 occlusionMapMatrix;");
    if (uvs && material._alphaMap) {
        src.push("uniform sampler2D alphaMap;");
        if (material._alphaMap._state.matrix) {
            src.push("uniform mat4 alphaMapMatrix;");
    if (normals && uvs && material._specularMap) {
        src.push("uniform sampler2D specularMap;");
        if (material._specularMap._state.matrix) {
            src.push("uniform mat4 specularMapMatrix;");
    if (normals && uvs && material._glossinessMap) {
        src.push("uniform sampler2D glossinessMap;");
        if (material._glossinessMap._state.matrix) {
            src.push("uniform mat4 glossinessMapMatrix;");
    if (normals && uvs && material._specularGlossinessMap) {
        src.push("uniform sampler2D materialSpecularGlossinessMap;");
        if (material._specularGlossinessMap._state.matrix) {
            src.push("uniform mat4 materialSpecularGlossinessMapMatrix;");


    if (normals && (material._diffuseFresnel ||
        material._specularFresnel ||
        material._alphaFresnel ||
        material._emissiveFresnel ||
        material._reflectivityFresnel)) {
        src.push("float fresnel(vec3 eyeDir, vec3 normal, float edgeBias, float centerBias, float power) {");
        src.push("    float fr = abs(dot(eyeDir, normal));");
        src.push("    float finalFr = clamp((fr - edgeBias) / (centerBias - edgeBias), 0.0, 1.0);");
        src.push("    return pow(finalFr, power);");
        if (material._diffuseFresnel) {
            src.push("uniform float  diffuseFresnelCenterBias;");
            src.push("uniform float  diffuseFresnelEdgeBias;");
            src.push("uniform float  diffuseFresnelPower;");
            src.push("uniform vec3   diffuseFresnelCenterColor;");
            src.push("uniform vec3   diffuseFresnelEdgeColor;");
        if (material._specularFresnel) {
            src.push("uniform float  specularFresnelCenterBias;");
            src.push("uniform float  specularFresnelEdgeBias;");
            src.push("uniform float  specularFresnelPower;");
            src.push("uniform vec3   specularFresnelCenterColor;");
            src.push("uniform vec3   specularFresnelEdgeColor;");
        if (material._alphaFresnel) {
            src.push("uniform float  alphaFresnelCenterBias;");
            src.push("uniform float  alphaFresnelEdgeBias;");
            src.push("uniform float  alphaFresnelPower;");
            src.push("uniform vec3   alphaFresnelCenterColor;");
            src.push("uniform vec3   alphaFresnelEdgeColor;");
        if (material._reflectivityFresnel) {
            src.push("uniform float  materialSpecularF0FresnelCenterBias;");
            src.push("uniform float  materialSpecularF0FresnelEdgeBias;");
            src.push("uniform float  materialSpecularF0FresnelPower;");
            src.push("uniform vec3   materialSpecularF0FresnelCenterColor;");
            src.push("uniform vec3   materialSpecularF0FresnelEdgeColor;");
        if (material._emissiveFresnel) {
            src.push("uniform float  emissiveFresnelCenterBias;");
            src.push("uniform float  emissiveFresnelEdgeBias;");
            src.push("uniform float  emissiveFresnelPower;");
            src.push("uniform vec3   emissiveFresnelCenterColor;");
            src.push("uniform vec3   emissiveFresnelEdgeColor;");


    src.push("uniform vec4   lightAmbient;");

    if (normals) {
        for (let i = 0, len = lightsState.lights.length; i < len; i++) { // Light sources
            const light = lightsState.lights[i];
            if (light.type === "ambient") {
            src.push("uniform vec4 lightColor" + i + ";");
            if (light.type === "point") {
                src.push("uniform vec3 lightAttenuation" + i + ";");
            if (light.type === "dir" && === "view") {
                src.push("uniform vec3 lightDir" + i + ";");
            if (light.type === "point" && === "view") {
                src.push("uniform vec3 lightPos" + i + ";");
            } else {
                src.push("varying vec4 vViewLightReverseDirAndDist" + i + ";");

    if (receivesShadow) {

        // Variance castsShadow mapping filter

        // src.push("float linstep(float low, float high, float v){");
        // src.push("      return clamp((v-low)/(high-low), 0.0, 1.0);");
        // src.push("}");
        // src.push("float VSM(sampler2D depths, vec2 uv, float compare){");
        // src.push("      vec2 moments = texture2D(depths, uv).xy;");
        // src.push("      float p = smoothstep(compare-0.02, compare, moments.x);");
        // src.push("      float variance = max(moments.y - moments.x*moments.x, -0.001);");
        // src.push("      float d = compare - moments.x;");
        // src.push("      float p_max = linstep(0.2, 1.0, variance / (variance + d*d));");
        // src.push("      return clamp(max(p, p_max), 0.0, 1.0);");
        // src.push("}");

        for (let i = 0, len = lightsState.lights.length; i < len; i++) { // Light sources
            if (lightsState.lights[i].castsShadow) {
                src.push("varying vec4 vShadowPosFromLight" + i + ";");
                src.push("uniform sampler2D shadowMap" + i + ";");

    src.push("uniform vec4 colorize;");

    // MAIN

    src.push("void main(void) {");

    if (clipping) {
        src.push("if (clippable) {");
        src.push("  float dist = 0.0;");
        for (var i = 0; i < sectionPlanesState.sectionPlanes.length; i++) {
            src.push("if (sectionPlaneActive" + i + ") {");
            src.push("   dist += clamp(dot(-sectionPlaneDir" + i + ".xyz, - sectionPlanePos" + i + ".xyz), 0.0, 1000.0);");
        src.push("  if (dist > 0.0) { discard; }");
        if (solid) {
            src.push("  if (gl_FrontFacing == false) {");
            src.push("     gl_FragColor = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);");
            src.push("     return;");
            src.push("  }");

    if (geometryState.primitiveName === "points") {
        src.push("vec2 cxy = 2.0 * gl_PointCoord - 1.0;");
        src.push("float r = dot(cxy, cxy);");
        src.push("if (r > 1.0) {");
        src.push("   discard;");

    src.push("float occlusion = 1.0;");

    if (materialState.ambient) {
        src.push("vec3 ambientColor = materialAmbient;");
    } else {
        src.push("vec3 ambientColor = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);");

    if (materialState.diffuse) {
        src.push("vec3 diffuseColor = materialDiffuse;");
    } else if (materialState.baseColor) {
        src.push("vec3 diffuseColor = materialBaseColor;");
    } else {
        src.push("vec3 diffuseColor = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);");

    if (geometryState.colors) {
        src.push("diffuseColor *= vColor.rgb;");

    if (materialState.emissive) {
        src.push("vec3 emissiveColor = materialEmissive;"); // Emissive default is (0,0,0), so initializing here
    } else {
        src.push("vec3  emissiveColor = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);");

    if (materialState.specular) {
        src.push("vec3 specular = materialSpecular;");
    } else {
        src.push("vec3 specular = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);");

    if (materialState.alpha !== undefined) {
        src.push("float alpha = materialAlphaModeCutoff[0];");
    } else {
        src.push("float alpha = 1.0;");

    if (geometryState.colors) {
        src.push("alpha *= vColor.a;");

    if (materialState.glossiness !== undefined) {
        src.push("float glossiness = materialGlossiness;");
    } else {
        src.push("float glossiness = 1.0;");

    if (materialState.metallic !== undefined) {
        src.push("float metallic = materialMetallic;");
    } else {
        src.push("float metallic = 1.0;");

    if (materialState.roughness !== undefined) {
        src.push("float roughness = materialRoughness;");
    } else {
        src.push("float roughness = 1.0;");

    if (materialState.specularF0 !== undefined) {
        src.push("float specularF0 = materialSpecularF0;");
    } else {
        src.push("float specularF0 = 1.0;");


    if (uvs && ((normals && material._normalMap)
        || material._ambientMap
        || material._baseColorMap
        || material._diffuseMap
        || material._occlusionMap
        || material._emissiveMap
        || material._metallicMap
        || material._roughnessMap
        || material._metallicRoughnessMap
        || material._specularMap
        || material._glossinessMap
        || material._specularGlossinessMap
        || material._alphaMap)) {
        src.push("vec4 texturePos = vec4(vUV.s, vUV.t, 1.0, 1.0);");
        src.push("vec2 textureCoord;");

    if (uvs && material._ambientMap) {
        if (material._ambientMap._state.matrix) {
            src.push("textureCoord = (ambientMapMatrix * texturePos).xy;");
        } else {
            src.push("textureCoord = texturePos.xy;");
        src.push("vec4 ambientTexel = texture2D(ambientMap, textureCoord).rgb;");
        src.push("ambientTexel = " + TEXTURE_DECODE_FUNCS[material._ambientMap._state.encoding] + "(ambientTexel);");
        src.push("ambientColor *= ambientTexel.rgb;");

    if (uvs && material._diffuseMap) {
        if (material._diffuseMap._state.matrix) {
            src.push("textureCoord = (diffuseMapMatrix * texturePos).xy;");
        } else {
            src.push("textureCoord = texturePos.xy;");
        src.push("vec4 diffuseTexel = texture2D(diffuseMap, textureCoord);");
        src.push("diffuseTexel = " + TEXTURE_DECODE_FUNCS[material._diffuseMap._state.encoding] + "(diffuseTexel);");
        src.push("diffuseColor *= diffuseTexel.rgb;");
        src.push("alpha *= diffuseTexel.a;");

    if (uvs && material._baseColorMap) {
        if (material._baseColorMap._state.matrix) {
            src.push("textureCoord = (baseColorMapMatrix * texturePos).xy;");
        } else {
            src.push("textureCoord = texturePos.xy;");
        src.push("vec4 baseColorTexel = texture2D(baseColorMap, textureCoord);");
        src.push("baseColorTexel = " + TEXTURE_DECODE_FUNCS[material._baseColorMap._state.encoding] + "(baseColorTexel);");
        src.push("diffuseColor *= baseColorTexel.rgb;");
        src.push("alpha *= baseColorTexel.a;");

    if (uvs && material._emissiveMap) {
        if (material._emissiveMap._state.matrix) {
            src.push("textureCoord = (emissiveMapMatrix * texturePos).xy;");
        } else {
            src.push("textureCoord = texturePos.xy;");
        src.push("vec4 emissiveTexel = texture2D(emissiveMap, textureCoord);");
        src.push("emissiveTexel = " + TEXTURE_DECODE_FUNCS[material._emissiveMap._state.encoding] + "(emissiveTexel);");
        src.push("emissiveColor = emissiveTexel.rgb;");

    if (uvs && material._alphaMap) {
        if (material._alphaMap._state.matrix) {
            src.push("textureCoord = (alphaMapMatrix * texturePos).xy;");
        } else {
            src.push("textureCoord = texturePos.xy;");
        src.push("alpha *= texture2D(alphaMap, textureCoord).r;");

    if (uvs && material._occlusionMap) {
        if (material._occlusionMap._state.matrix) {
            src.push("textureCoord = (occlusionMapMatrix * texturePos).xy;");
        } else {
            src.push("textureCoord = texturePos.xy;");
        src.push("occlusion *= texture2D(occlusionMap, textureCoord).r;");

    if (normals && ((lightsState.lights.length > 0) || lightsState.lightMaps.length > 0 || lightsState.reflectionMaps.length > 0)) {

        // SHADING

        if (uvs && material._normalMap) {
            if (material._normalMap._state.matrix) {
                src.push("textureCoord = (normalMapMatrix * texturePos).xy;");
            } else {
                src.push("textureCoord = texturePos.xy;");
            src.push("vec3 viewNormal = perturbNormal2Arb( vViewPosition, normalize(vViewNormal), textureCoord );");
        } else {
            src.push("vec3 viewNormal = normalize(vViewNormal);");

        if (uvs && material._specularMap) {
            if (material._specularMap._state.matrix) {
                src.push("textureCoord = (specularMapMatrix * texturePos).xy;");
            } else {
                src.push("textureCoord = texturePos.xy;");
            src.push("specular *= texture2D(specularMap, textureCoord).rgb;");

        if (uvs && material._glossinessMap) {
            if (material._glossinessMap._state.matrix) {
                src.push("textureCoord = (glossinessMapMatrix * texturePos).xy;");
            } else {
                src.push("textureCoord = texturePos.xy;");
            src.push("glossiness *= texture2D(glossinessMap, textureCoord).r;");

        if (uvs && material._specularGlossinessMap) {
            if (material._specularGlossinessMap._state.matrix) {
                src.push("textureCoord = (materialSpecularGlossinessMapMatrix * texturePos).xy;");
            } else {
                src.push("textureCoord = texturePos.xy;");
            src.push("vec4 specGlossRGB = texture2D(materialSpecularGlossinessMap, textureCoord).rgba;"); // TODO: what if only RGB texture?
            src.push("specular *= specGlossRGB.rgb;");
            src.push("glossiness *= specGlossRGB.a;");

        if (uvs && material._metallicMap) {
            if (material._metallicMap._state.matrix) {
                src.push("textureCoord = (metallicMapMatrix * texturePos).xy;");
            } else {
                src.push("textureCoord = texturePos.xy;");
            src.push("metallic *= texture2D(metallicMap, textureCoord).r;");

        if (uvs && material._roughnessMap) {
            if (material._roughnessMap._state.matrix) {
                src.push("textureCoord = (roughnessMapMatrix * texturePos).xy;");
            } else {
                src.push("textureCoord = texturePos.xy;");
            src.push("roughness *= texture2D(roughnessMap, textureCoord).r;");

        if (uvs && material._metallicRoughnessMap) {
            if (material._metallicRoughnessMap._state.matrix) {
                src.push("textureCoord = (metallicRoughnessMapMatrix * texturePos).xy;");
            } else {
                src.push("textureCoord = texturePos.xy;");
            src.push("vec3 metalRoughRGB = texture2D(metallicRoughnessMap, textureCoord).rgb;");
            src.push("metallic *= metalRoughRGB.b;");
            src.push("roughness *= metalRoughRGB.g;");

        src.push("vec3 viewEyeDir = normalize(-vViewPosition);");

        if (material._diffuseFresnel) {
            src.push("float diffuseFresnel = fresnel(viewEyeDir, viewNormal, diffuseFresnelEdgeBias, diffuseFresnelCenterBias, diffuseFresnelPower);");
            src.push("diffuseColor *= mix(diffuseFresnelEdgeColor, diffuseFresnelCenterColor, diffuseFresnel);");
        if (material._specularFresnel) {
            src.push("float specularFresnel = fresnel(viewEyeDir, viewNormal, specularFresnelEdgeBias, specularFresnelCenterBias, specularFresnelPower);");
            src.push("specular *= mix(specularFresnelEdgeColor, specularFresnelCenterColor, specularFresnel);");
        if (material._alphaFresnel) {
            src.push("float alphaFresnel = fresnel(viewEyeDir, viewNormal, alphaFresnelEdgeBias, alphaFresnelCenterBias, alphaFresnelPower);");
            src.push("alpha *= mix(alphaFresnelEdgeColor.r, alphaFresnelCenterColor.r, alphaFresnel);");
        if (material._emissiveFresnel) {
            src.push("float emissiveFresnel = fresnel(viewEyeDir, viewNormal, emissiveFresnelEdgeBias, emissiveFresnelCenterBias, emissiveFresnelPower);");
            src.push("emissiveColor *= mix(emissiveFresnelEdgeColor, emissiveFresnelCenterColor, emissiveFresnel);");

        src.push("if (materialAlphaModeCutoff[1] == 1.0 && alpha < materialAlphaModeCutoff[2]) {"); // ie. (alphaMode == "mask" && alpha < alphaCutoff)
        src.push("   discard;"); // TODO: Discard earlier within this shader?


        src.push("IncidentLight  light;");
        src.push("Material       material;");
        src.push("Geometry       geometry;");
        src.push("ReflectedLight reflectedLight = ReflectedLight(vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0), vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0));");
        src.push("vec3           viewLightDir;");

        if (phongMaterial) {
            src.push("material.diffuseColor      = diffuseColor;");
            src.push("material.specularColor     = specular;");
            src.push("material.shine             = materialShininess;");

        if (specularMaterial) {
            src.push("float oneMinusSpecularStrength = 1.0 - max(max(specular.r, specular.g ),specular.b);"); // Energy conservation
            src.push("material.diffuseColor      = diffuseColor * oneMinusSpecularStrength;");
            src.push("material.specularRoughness = clamp( 1.0 - glossiness, 0.04, 1.0 );");
            src.push("material.specularColor     = specular;");

        if (metallicMaterial) {
            src.push("float dielectricSpecular = 0.16 * specularF0 * specularF0;");
            src.push("material.diffuseColor      = diffuseColor * (1.0 - dielectricSpecular) * (1.0 - metallic);");
            src.push("material.specularRoughness = clamp(roughness, 0.04, 1.0);");
            src.push("material.specularColor     = mix(vec3(dielectricSpecular), diffuseColor, metallic);");

        src.push("geometry.position      = vViewPosition;");
        if (lightsState.lightMaps.length > 0) {
            src.push("geometry.worldNormal   = normalize(vWorldNormal);");
        src.push("geometry.viewNormal    = viewNormal;");
        src.push("geometry.viewEyeDir    = viewEyeDir;");


        if ((phongMaterial) && (lightsState.lightMaps.length > 0 || lightsState.reflectionMaps.length > 0)) {
            src.push("computePhongLightMapping(geometry, material, reflectedLight);");

        if ((specularMaterial || metallicMaterial) && (lightsState.lightMaps.length > 0 || lightsState.reflectionMaps.length > 0)) {
            src.push("computePBRLightMapping(geometry, material, reflectedLight);");


        src.push("float shadow = 1.0;");

        // if (receivesShadow) {
        //     src.push("float lightDepth2 = clamp(length(lightPos)/40.0, 0.0, 1.0);");
        //     src.push("float illuminated = VSM(sLightDepth, lightUV, lightDepth2);");
        src.push("float shadowAcneRemover = 0.007;");
        src.push("vec3 fragmentDepth;");
        src.push("float texelSize = 1.0 / 1024.0;");
        src.push("float amountInLight = 0.0;");
        src.push("vec3 shadowCoord;");
        src.push('vec4 rgbaDepth;');
        src.push("float depth;");
        // }

        const numShadows = 0;
        for (let i = 0, len = lightsState.lights.length; i < len; i++) {

            const light = lightsState.lights[i];

            if (light.type === "ambient") {
            if (light.type === "dir" && === "view") {
                src.push("viewLightDir = -normalize(lightDir" + i + ");");
            } else if (light.type === "point" && === "view") {
                src.push("viewLightDir = normalize(lightPos" + i + " - vViewPosition);");
                //src.push("tmpVec3 = lightPos" + i + ".xyz -;");
                //src.push("lightDist = abs(length(tmpVec3));");
            } else {
                src.push("viewLightDir = normalize(vViewLightReverseDirAndDist" + i + ".xyz);"); // If normal mapping, the fragment->light vector will be in tangent space

            if (receivesShadow && light.castsShadow) {

                // if (true) {
                //     src.push('shadowCoord = (vShadowPosFromLight' + i + '.xyz/vShadowPosFromLight' + i + '.w)/2.0 + 0.5;');
                //     src.push("lightDepth2 = clamp(length(vec3[0.0, 20.0, 20.0])/40.0, 0.0, 1.0);");
                //     src.push("castsShadow *= VSM(shadowMap' + i + ', shadowCoord, lightDepth2);");
                // }
                // if (false) {
                // PCF

                src.push("shadow = 0.0;");

                src.push("fragmentDepth = vShadowPosFromLight" + i + ".xyz;");
                src.push("fragmentDepth.z -= shadowAcneRemover;");
                src.push("for (int x = -3; x <= 3; x++) {");
                src.push("  for (int y = -3; y <= 3; y++) {");
                src.push("      float texelDepth = unpackDepth(texture2D(shadowMap" + i + ", fragmentDepth.xy + vec2(x, y) * texelSize));");
                src.push("      if (fragmentDepth.z < texelDepth) {");
                src.push("          shadow += 1.0;");
                src.push("      }");
                src.push("  }");

                src.push("shadow = shadow / 9.0;");

                src.push("light.color =  lightColor" + i + ".rgb * (lightColor" + i + ".a * shadow);"); // a is intensity
                // }
                // if (false){
                //     src.push("shadow = 1.0;");
                //     src.push('shadowCoord = (vShadowPosFromLight' + i + '.xyz/vShadowPosFromLight' + i + '.w)/2.0 + 0.5;');
                //     src.push('shadow -= (shadowCoord.z > unpackDepth(texture2D(shadowMap' + i + ', shadowCoord.xy + vec2( -0.94201624, -0.39906216 ) / 700.0)) + 0.0015) ? 0.2 : 0.0;');
                //     src.push('shadow -= (shadowCoord.z > unpackDepth(texture2D(shadowMap' + i + ', shadowCoord.xy + vec2( 0.94558609, -0.76890725 ) / 700.0)) + 0.0015) ? 0.2 : 0.0;');
                //     src.push('shadow -= (shadowCoord.z > unpackDepth(texture2D(shadowMap' + i + ', shadowCoord.xy + vec2( -0.094184101, -0.92938870 ) / 700.0)) + 0.0015) ? 0.2 : 0.0;');
                //     src.push('shadow -= (shadowCoord.z > unpackDepth(texture2D(shadowMap' + i + ', shadowCoord.xy + vec2( 0.34495938, 0.29387760 ) / 700.0)) + 0.0015) ? 0.2 : 0.0;');
                //     src.push("light.color =  lightColor" + i + ".rgb * (lightColor" + i + ".a * shadow);");
                // }
            } else {
                src.push("light.color =  lightColor" + i + ".rgb * (lightColor" + i + ".a );"); // a is intensity

            src.push("light.direction = viewLightDir;");

            if (phongMaterial) {
                src.push("computePhongLighting(light, geometry, material, reflectedLight);");

            if (specularMaterial || metallicMaterial) {
                src.push("computePBRLighting(light, geometry, material, reflectedLight);");

        if (numShadows > 0) {
            //src.push("shadow /= " + (9 * numShadows) + ".0;");

        //src.push("reflectedLight.diffuse *= shadow;");

        // COMBINE TERMS

        if (phongMaterial) {
            src.push("vec3 outgoingLight = (lightAmbient.rgb * lightAmbient.a * diffuseColor) + ((occlusion * (( reflectedLight.diffuse + reflectedLight.specular)))) + emissiveColor;");

        } else {
            src.push("vec3 outgoingLight = (occlusion * (reflectedLight.diffuse)) + (occlusion * reflectedLight.specular) + emissiveColor;");

    } else {


        src.push("ambientColor *= (lightAmbient.rgb * lightAmbient.a);");

        src.push("vec3 outgoingLight = emissiveColor + ambientColor;");

    src.push("gl_FragColor = vec4(outgoingLight, alpha) * colorize;");

    if (gammaOutput) {
        src.push("gl_FragColor = linearToGamma(gl_FragColor, gammaFactor);");

    if (scene.logarithmicDepthBufferEnabled && WEBGL_INFO.SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS["EXT_frag_depth"]) {
        src.push("gl_FragDepthEXT = isPerspective == 0.0 ? gl_FragCoord.z : log2( vFragDepth ) * logDepthBufFC * 0.5;");


    return src;

export {DrawShaderSource};